Pakenham Taxi Rates
Check taxi fares
Standard Fares
- Flagfall:$4.30
- Distance:$2.16/KM
- Time:$0.75/Min
Distance charges apply where taxi speed above 21km/h
Time Charges apply where taxi speed bellow 21km/h
High Occupancy
5-10 Passengers
- Flagfall:$4.30
- Distance:$3.24/KM
- Time:$1.15/Min
Also applies where hirer specifically requested a larger than standard taxi regardless of the number of passengers.
- Holiday Fee:$5.00
- Late night fee:$4.00
- Booking fee:$2.40
- Airport booking fee:$4.50
- Electronic Payment charges:5% MAX
- Victorian gov. Levy:$1.16
You may find following taxi fare chart in our cabs